Tennessee Paddlesports Association

Growing, Protecting, Supporting Tennessee's Paddlesports Businesses

Legislation to Rescind TWRA’s Broad Regulatory Authority over Paddlesports Businesses Introduced in General Assembly

February 07, 2019 9:55 PM | Anonymous

SB 665 and HB 1328 to eliminate TWRA's broad regulatory authority over paddlesports businesses have been filed for introduction in the State General Assembly. These bills are caption bills, which will be amended with specific language. Another bill to rescind TWRA's authority to regulate non-motorized paddlesports outfitters has also been introduced.

The goal of these bills is to remove TWRA's authority to regulate all aspects of your business, which currently includes regulating outfitters not operating from TWRA ramps.  For outfitters using their ramps, HB 1328 and SB 665 would authorize outfitters access to TWRA access points with a parking fee for commercial vehicles.  TWRA rules currently propose to restrict paddlesports outfitters' to designated parking, which could limit access especially given the hostility toward paddlesports from the backers of TWRA's proposed regulations. 

Here is a link to the legislative website with the bill


We are grateful to the sponsors of the proposed bills. 

Tennessee Paddlesports Association, PO Box 66, Strawberry Plains, TN 37871   

+1 833 304 6484


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